Terapia política. Introspecção psicossocial. Análise simbólica.

12 julho 2008

[629] A democracia global: pais, padrinhos ou padrastos?

«A comprehensive transatlantic pact clearing the way for the unprecedented supply of private data on European citizens to the American authorities is to be promoted by France in support of the US-driven campaign to combat terrorism and transnational crime.
«The controversial proposed pact, a "framework agreement" on common data protection principles, is likely to enable the Americans to access the credit card histories, banking details and travel habits of Europeans, although senior officials in Brussels deny US reports that the Americans will also be able to snoop on the internet browsing records of Europeans.»
(Ian Traynor, "New pact would give EU citizens' data to US", The Guardian on line, 30-6-2008)

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